Jamie Galligan's blog »

Friday 23 January 2009

Contents page.

The contents page consists of the issue number at the top left with the date for that particular issue. There is a small grey border around the text which draws attention to it as the rest of the page has a black background. The headline for the page says contents in big capital letters in a rugged stencilled spray paint style which matches the style of the masthead on the front cover. There are four images of artists under the headline the 1st with a short article on the band Trivium and a picture of the editor with his signature and job title underneath the article. The other 3 images include their names at the bottom part of the image with the number of the page they are in. The texts included in the images are in stencil format.

The subheading under the images says “THIS WEEK” and follows the same spray painted style as the page heading and masthead on the front cover. This has blue lines printed behind the text which matches the colour scheme for its subheadings on the page. Underneath are the subheadings containing information of the actual contents. These are separated into categories each with different subheadings in blue to separate them from the information underneath which are written in a smaller text in white.

At the bottom of the page is an image of a band represented as being fun easy going men all smiling chilled out with one of them smoking. They are all dressed in rock star style clothing all wearing dark shades with lots of jewellery and one of them covered in tattoos. Just above the image to the right of one of the band members heads in a text saying Party dudes in capital letters making it easier to read and draws attention with the page number they are included in typed in a smaller size.

Positioned at the very bottom of the page is an advertisement for the Kerrang subscription with the main meaning of the ad Following the blue colour scheme with exclamation marks to draw attention with images of past issues of the magazine which is relevant to the advertisement as it shows the reader what the advertisement is about 1st without them actually reading it. Underneath the main text are details of how to get your subscription in a smaller text and written in white to separate it from the above.