Jamie Galligan's blog »

Monday 26 January 2009

Double page spread.

I have chosen to write about the double page spread on pages 22-23 which is about the band Trivium. The spread is set over both pages vertically as it emphasises the size of the band members. The 1st page has little text which only includes the photographers and reporters names which are set in the top left corner and the name of the band included in the top right corner.

All the band members’ faces are in the top half. They all have serious faces which connote them being manly and show that they are serious about their image. They are all wearing dark clothes some with long hair, tattoos and jewellery with represents the rock image. One of the band members is stood in the middle with his body turned to the side wearing a tight t-shirt to draw attention to his muscular build. They are set in front of a pale filthy looking wall which connotes them as being underground.

In the middle of the bottom page slightly aligned to the left is the heading for the article. It reads “Kill with power” in big lettering with the word power in larger letters to draw attention as it is a keyword in the phrase and connotes the band to be powerful. It has a subheading underneath this in smaller letters with brief information of the band itself and an introduction to the article.

The article is in really small letters with the 1st couple of words in a slightly smaller size to draw attention. It is located right down at the bottom of the bottom page aligned right to the right hand side. This is so the image can be seen more clearly as there are no relevant parts of the image in this particular space.